I have found that if I am not held accountable, I don't do what I am supposed to do. Anyone else like that?
Because no one reads this blog (yet), I have not kept up with it! I will post about our weekend at the Belton's house, which was last weekend.
We, the Roberts', the Steiners and Ryan and Jillian Scheill (plus one, arriving this fall) had church with Doug and Tammy Belton. It was a full day, starting with lunch of course :) While the men and Jill did some intense Biblical study (and talked about life outside of this planet), Kim, Tammy and I did some pretty intense confession and accountability.
Do you know what a secret struggle is? They are the deadliest kind of sin. They are the kind no one knows about. You can basically be a good person, no drugs, alcohol or sleeping around. But when you harbor anger in your heart or give in to laziness, you are headed down a slippery slope. No one sees that...they may see the effects, but you can play that off and never really change it about yourself.
So we girls decided that it was high time we started acting like the women we are. We will now be asking each other hard questions, and not allowing each other to be defensive about the answers. That's what I love about this "new" way of meeting with the church...it weeds out the people who don't want to be raw and bleeding before Christ and each other. I would suggest that anyone wanting to meet with us not wear mascara to the meetings.
Devin had a piano recital, so we all piled into vehicles
and drove to an institutional church building and listened to him be the best one. I realized later that Devin was the only one in our group who played music that day...I missed it, but we aren't being structured, so some things won't be done every week. We went back to the Belton's and had dinner and testimony...everyone shared about when they accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. That was nice, because we haven't all known each other for very long.
After yummy enchiladas, it was time to put up Tammy's new Uppercase and head home.
Oh, the trampoline...it is right outside of Doug and Tammy's 2nd floor window. We were all wishing Tammy would let us jump out the window and onto it. She said no. She is so stuffy.
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