Monday, June 8, 2009

June 7...Fruitcake in Farmington

Well, last week (May 31) a bunch of us went to the Big Woods State Park in Faribault for a picnic and hangin out. TAMMY was supposed to write a blog entry for that...hmm, notice it's absence! We (the Roberts), the Beltons and the Schiells had a blast, grilling too much meat, eating too much watermelon and discussing politics...yes, politics. It was fabulous and hopefully someone else will eventually tell you about it ;)

Yesterday Brian and Chris Steiner both had to work, so Kim stayed home (slacker, good thing we aren't being religious or you would be in trouble). I took my kids and went to the Beltons, were we did some boys against girls baking and watched "Fruitcake and Ice Cream" from the Passion series by Louie Giglio.

If you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend it. I really like all of his stuff, he has a way of relating complex matters of science and God in a way that is easy to understand. This talk was about Grace, and I really needed to hear it this week. About reconciliation between ourselves and God. About how Jesus didn't just come to sign our list of sins with His Name and then we could get into heaven, but how His Work on the cross accomplished something so much more than that...all our wrong being put INTO Him, and all His right being put INTO us. I loved how Louie said, "A person like me could become a person like Him" And the redemption story at the end of the video was so powerful...highly recommend it. I know I already said that, but it's true.

Maya asked me a doozie this week..."What's spiritual warfare?" Wow, I did my best to explain it, she said she understood. What I love about our group is that every time we meet, someone (whether a 9 year old or a 35 year old) will ask a question that opens up so much discussion and prayer and study. It's awesome how God works, to put together the people that have questions and the people who know where to find the answers. You are amazing, Lord.

Next week, I think we are going to be at the Steiners in Faribault. Till then, MR


  1. Oh fine - just put me on blast like that...I was busy - sleeping or something. I have no good excuse for not writing the blog last week. I promise I will do better next time.

    I always find it amazing what comes out of the mouth's of babes. I'm amazed by how all the kids feel so free to ask whoever - whatever question...whenever!

    We get to spend our whole day at "church", and dwell in the presence of God! Can you think of a better way to spend a day? Nobody forces the kids to be around, sit down and listen. They just gravitate toward all the converstaions and chime in when they have questions.

    It's so awesome to watch the kids (and adults) grow in their faith.

  2. Boy, I have learned to be prayed up and studied up when Maya is around!! With some kids, you aren't sure whether they are listening, but that girl does and she is not shy about asking if she doesn't understand something. There can be no "well that's just what I think" or "that's the way we have always done it" with Maya. She wants an explanation, and it better have biblical backing, because she is trusting us (ME) to tell her the truth...something she can believe and put her hope in. That is an enormous responsibility! And so cool to experience, because if we weren't meeting the way we are and with the idea that God controls the meeting, then she wouldn't even be around or be involved.
